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Thanks for finding my site! 
I know, it's a simple one page site. I just wanted to share a few things about my business philosophy.
Most importantly I want to find out what it will take to become your trusted advisor.

This is a role I take seriously and why I've been successful in the Supply Chain logistics industry for several decades.
These are some "truths" I have learned in my nearly 30 years as a consultant/sales guy; 
·   If I don't prepare by knowing what you do and who you are, I don't deserve another meeting-
·  If you buy my software or services, it will be for your reasons, not mine. I need to understand yours first- 
·  My goal is to earn a relationship with you, then and only then can I ask for your business-  
·  I have always believed that a testimonial from one satisfied client is worth a hundred sales presentations-   
I also know what many people don't like about consultant/salespeople; They think-  
· we're too pushy and don't listen
· we're disrespectful of your time
· we don't work in your best interest, only ours
· we don't know enough about your industry and how we can help you
· we seem like we're "just trying to sell you something" 

Here’s what I think people do like…..
A return on their investment... to get more, to save more, to look good, to feel good,
and to be secure they made a good decision. That's it. Anything else and I’m wasting our time. 
"Time is the scarcest resource we have, and unless it is managed, nothing else can be managed."
 Peter Drucker 

Here are a couple of great links...

So you need a trusted advisor, right?
Here's my personal e-mail        
Here's my professional e-mail
Here's our company website
Please contact me today so we can begin creating success together!  

 "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit" 

Let's shake on it ....

2016 - Kim Gregory Emond - Logistics Consultant
Direct line 949-235-3305  You can find me on LinkedIn

Please get in touch with any comments or reactions to my site.